活该的英文: He's got beaten up? He should have it coming on him for the way he often ill-treats others. `I got soaked in the rain.'`It serves you right I told you to take an umbrella.' He richly deserves a thrashing. Oh, blast! Ha - ha! The manager fell down. Cannot have happened to a nicer guy! "She should have it coming on her, for she's been too conceited" After all you've eaten. It'll serve you right if you feel iii. They told me how Mr. Gladstone read homer for fun, which I though serve him right. "Well, burgess deserves it--he will never get another congregation here It serves you right if he did make you eat the leek in public;you should not be so boastful. v. 为...服务;供应;任(职);服役 n. 发球(权) to serve the landlord Persons serving on the Appellate Body shall serve in rotation. They drafted him to serve as their delegate. Dinner was announced, and served. Catharine served an ace. |