浑浊的英文: The stale air made us suffocate. This turbidity is caused by material present in the original black tea. To make turbid or muddy. The water in the river became murky and dirty after the typhoon. Most people have a natural antipathy of "muddy streams" You can see the deep, murky waters of Loch Ness from here. The river Till was a wide, sluggish, clayey water A fisherman drags nets of oysters from the turbid river water on a breathless summer day. She sat on a bench and tried to calm herself, looking at trees, at a brown glimpse of the river Instead of eyes, electric eels and fishes use extremely accurate electric sense organs in the muddy rivers. n. 云;云状物;阴影;大群;黑斑 v. 使忧郁,暗淡;以云遮敝,乌云密布;使混乱,不清楚;玷污 Cloud the issues. There was heavy cloud and a lowering cloud base. cloud over;(of the sky)become covered with clouds n. 模糊;不透明;晦涩 The opacity is a function of temperature and wavelength The opacity is a function of temperature and wavelength. The Matte Opacity value is ignored. |