日落的英文: A photogenic sunset,village,kitten They'll work on till sunset. The answer would come before sundown. Gentle breeze comes with the sunset The old man sat watching the sunset. To talk about the beautiful sunset is to gild the lily. We stood by the gateway watch the sunset. The sunset matched the sunrise in beauty. The sunset rivaled the sunrise in beauty. Let not the sun go down upon thy wrath n. 日落时分 It was almost sundown on a very gray day. The answer would come before sundown. At sundown, the strong cold wind has shifted from the southeast to the northwest. As with all Jewish holidays, Purim begins at sundown on the previous secular day. He is pretty sure to drop in towards sundown and he will bring them himself n. 日落时,黄昏;晚霞,落日 The sunset has tinted the sky with pink. The sunset rivaled the sunrise in beauty. The dance ends at sunset. There was a red sunset over Paris. The sky was aglow with sunset colours. |