三维的英文: 3-D Sound,3-D Audio Analytical geometry of three dimensions Development Manual for 3D World Virtual Environment Software; Interim rept. Apr 1998-Nov 1999 Lately the work on hand is modelling pituitary in 3D. Hall three dimensions structure of three dimensions Having three dimensions. Quasi-Steady Acceleration Direction Indicator in Three Dimensions Appreciation of sculpture depends upon the ability to respond to form in three dimensions. Analytical solutions for three dimensional elasticity problems are quite difficult to obtain num. 三,三个 three coat,three bake fiveteen contains five and three. To draw three feet of water It earned three Grammy Awards. None of these three can be excluded. adj. 空间的,维的;尺寸的 ( Even if so, there is nothing to fear from these tiny black holes— they evaporate almost as fast as they are formed, and they“ live” in five dimensions, not in our own four-dimensional world. A square is two - dimensional and a cube is three - dimensional. A square is two-dimensional and a cube is three-dimensional. A square is two-dimensional and a cube is three-dimensional. What are the dimensions of the box? |