稍多的的英文: adj. 小的;年幼的;短的,近的;可爱的;讨厌的;微不足道的 pron. 不多的;一些 adv. 少许;稍微 n. 少许;没有多少;短时间 He is recovering little by little. Little by little and Bit by Bit What costs little is little esteemed. A little bird is content with a little nest. Profound knowledge is accumulated little by little. adv. 更多;此外;更大程度地 adj. 更多的;附加的 pron. 更多的数量 n. 更多;附加 The rainstorm is more and more more fierce. The more illumination, the more temptation. There are more and more gossipers. The more, the better. The more volume the better as there is more liquidity. |