好啊的英文: Used to express joy or elation. Yes, let's kill two birds with one stone. What good weather we're having! Good night, Jersey! Listen to him blow that trumpet! "Great, all right, to be earning your own dough." Man! Listen to him blow that trumpet! How wonderful it would be to ignore the capricious nature of technology—and get on with our work Hurrah, Mark's broken the 7.38-meter record in the hammer. `Well!' thought Alice to herself, `after such a fall as this, I shall think nothing of tumbling down stairs! adj. 没问题的 adv. 好吧,好的 You're doing alright! - This is difficult one but we're going to prevail - Alright, alright A: This is difficult one but we're going to prevail. B: Alright, alright. 好啊;好棒;干得好 bravo是什么意思: exclamation (喝彩声、叫好声)好哇 |