汗牛充栋的英文: [Literal Meaning] sweat/ox/fill/house to have enough books to make the ox carrying them sweat or to fill a house to the rafters
[解释] 形容藏书非常多。
[Explanation] an immense number of books
[例子] 他爸爸喜欢读书,家里有一万多本书,真是汗牛充栋了。
[Example] His father enjoys reading and there are over 10,000 books in his apartment,which can fill the house to the rafters. 参考例句:
The crowning task would be to condense these voluminous still-accumulating materials 要完成任务,还得把汗牛充栋的,仍在不断增加的材料进行压缩。 |