海阔天空的英文: [Literal Meaning] sea/vast/sky/spacious to be as boundless as the sea and sky
[解释] 像大海和蓝天一样广阔。比喻说话、议论漫无边际。也形容性格豪放、不拘小节。
[Explanation] to be unrestrained and far-ranging
[例子] 你不应该只呆在这个小城市里一直到老,外边海阔天空,你应该去见识一下。
[Example] You should not just stay in this small town. It is unrestrained and far-ranging outside and you shall go out to have a look. 参考例句:
Jim is discussing anything under the sun with Paula.(anything under the sun:任何事情) 吉姆在与葆拉海阔天空,无所不谈 |