趁着的英文: They did it under the cloak of darkness. Exploit a situation for one's own advantage `Psst! Let's get out now before they see us!' Let's cash in on the fine weather and go fishing. We took advan-tage of it by going for a ride. He decided to write it while still in the atmosphere of madrid Finally, towards evening we were on the way back to Chengdu. While the otter is going about this task, the rabbit fashions a noose from tree bark. They headed to their local bars and grabbed a few cold ones -- while they were still cold. I must remember to eat the tuna before he spoils in order to keep strong prep. 在…下面;少于adv. 在下面 adj. 下面的,较低的 Under the hammer under the ground;swam under water. Under water, famine; under snow, bread. The coin rolled under the bed. You are under the scrutiny of the police v. 遮盖;掩饰;包含;采访;给...保险;顶替 n.. 遮盖物;封面;掩护;保险;借口;餐具 Cover as if with a shroud. To be covered with or as if with fog. Covering: The fixing of a book cover to the spine and end papers . Snow covered the mountain. = The mountain was covered with snow. A light, padded bed covering. |