沉溺的英文: To provide with something in great abundance; surfeit Pelham.felt that an ally so little used to control.might well be indulged in an occasional fit of waywardness(Macaulay. v. 使高兴;满足;纵容;(使)沉迷于 You are too indulgent with your children. They indulge in tall talk. Their foibles were treated with indulgence. Tolerate, bear with, indulge It is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. n. 打滚,泥沼,堕落 v. 快活地在泥沼中打滚,在海浪中颠簸,纵乐,热衷于 To wallow,roll,or toss about,as in mud or high seas. To wallow,roll,or toss about,as in mud or high seas. Although these animals do not wallow, they roll on the ground in order to You can wallow, or see your job loss as an opportunity for self-discovery. For example, I could demand that the recipient of the bread first wallow in a muddy puddle. |