炒菜的英文: I feel car exhaust, and smoke coming from stir frying vegetables are even more harmful than second hand smoking. My mother chipped the meat out to be ready to stirfry. I'm in the mood for something heavier than stir-fried meat and vegetables. Miss Thompson's door was open, and they saw her in a bedraggled dressing-gown, cooking something in a chafing-dish "It can be chopped up in stirfries, used in curries and casseroles or drunk as a tea Even working on the fields, they like to bring fried and stewed dishes for lunch adj. 油炸的 French fries come with the hamburger. The place stinks of fried onions. The main dish is a fried steak. Freddie fried French fries for five funny friends on Friday. Don't eat many fries. n. 碟,盘;一道菜,菜肴 v. 把…装盘 disinfect dishes She dished the strawberries into the bowl. He dished his opponents. Do you have vegetarian dish? Rhineland dishes are a speciality of the restaurant. |