一鸣惊人的英文: [Literal Meaning] first/call/amaze/people to amaze people with the first call
[解释] 平时没有突出的表现,一下子做出惊人的成绩。
[Explanation] to amaze the world with a single brilliant feat
[例子] 在第23届洛杉矶奥运会上,第一次参加奥运会的中国女排一鸣惊人,最后获得了冠军。
[Example] In the 23th Olympic of Los Angeles, the Chinese woman volleyball team, which was in the games for the first time, made a great coup and won the champion eventually.
[英文等价词] to set the world on fire from nowhere make a great coup zip across the horizon 参考例句:
The fellow could never resist the temptation to be melodramatic, Walden thought 这家伙总想一鸣惊人,沃尔登想。 |