史前的英文: The branch of paleontology that deals with plant fossils and ancient vegetation. The study of the development and evolution of biochemicals and biochemical processes. lacustrine dwellings Traces of prehistoric habitation Prehistoric man,monuments,cave paintings It's the most enigmatic prehistoric monument on earth. historic times We visited the prehistoric burial grounds discovered last year. The study of humanlike creatures more primitive than Homo sapiens. This prehistoric animal grew a thick protective covering. adj. 史前的 `pre' is a prefix in `prehistoric' and `premedical' and `prepaid'. Prehistoric man,monuments,cave paintings This prehistoric animal grew a thick protective covering. The ainu settlers in Hokkaido are the last remnant of a prehistoric race A prehistoric monument consisting of monoliths encircling a mound. a. 史前的;旧式的 `pre' is a prefix in `prehistoric' and `premedical' and `prepaid'. Prehistoric man,monuments,cave paintings This prehistoric animal grew a thick protective covering. The ainu settlers in Hokkaido are the last remnant of a prehistoric race A prehistoric monument consisting of monoliths encircling a mound. |