国家宇航局的英文: Something akin to panic swept the National Aeronautic and Space Agency. adj. 国家的;全国的;国民的;民族的;国有的 n. 国民 Here is not merely a nation but a teeming nation of nations release of nationality a tributary nation n. 航空学,航空术 NASA(The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Aeronautical and astronautical scientific and technical documentation This is the summary of Research 1997, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics. n. 空间,场所;距离;太空;宇宙空间;开阔,空旷;时间,余地;版面;期间 v. 留间隔,隔开 sleeper spacing There is no existent in the space. The space congregation is called information space. |