收起的英文: minimum flap retraction speed When she folded up his tripod at eight thirty five, she felt good. The sailors provided against the coming storm by furling all sails Raise/lower the undercarriage He rolled (up) his umbrella. Put up; stick up After a good day's fishing they hauled in the nets and went home. The young man reddened, his smile dissolving instantly Now it's time to store away your fur coats for the summer. He had hardly collected the papers on his desk when the door burst open. v. (使)缩回;撤回 minimum flap retraction speed A ladybug can retract its head into its body. Retraction of forwarded ejector either by timer or door closing The undercarriage on light aircraft does not always retract in flight. "I will facilitate it by repeating the question, 'Will you, or will you not, retract?' |