首创的英文: Being active, creative and innovative is a plus. Medicated health-care products series for resisting senility are a creation in the world and a unique in China. The German gas chambers and crematoriums were not brilliant innovative works of genius BBA with a Major in Electronic Commerce is Saint John’s new program in electronic commerce, the first in Canada. The optic theory originated with Einstein. A creation in the world, a unique in China This company pioneered on-job training. They originated a new way of processing and inputting Chinese data into computers. Chinese herbal tooth-paste is a creation in the world and a unique in China. Who was it that struck out the method now widely used ? v. 起源于,来自,产生;引起 a person with an original It was edited from the original text. a Spanish rendering of the original Arabic Golde Meir was an original. Little of the original architecture remains. adj. 第一的;最初的 adv. 第一,最初;首先;宁愿 n. 显着成就;第一个人或事物 the First International first approximation There was a hush at first. It was semimonthly at first. 'The First Day' is their first collaborative album. |