关押的英文: Those teenagers will be remanded to the remand home. The judge has the power to remand young offenders to the special home until their case be heard. To detain in custody;imprison. He' s been put inside for burglary He was put away for ten years for armed robbery. A state of imprisonment or captivity. He has been held without trial for three years. Twenty people are held in the police raid. She is hold for six day without be able to see her lawyer. To hold someone legally so as to keep him in custody and charge him with a crime v. 放,置,使处于;表达,说明 put a crimp into Put on the screw strike [ put on ] a pose of I put it on the books. The candidate was put in the other day. n. 监狱;拘留所 v. 监禁,拘留 The judge clapped him in jail. He was flung into jail. He was jailed on charges of bribery. He was led away to jail in handcuffs. She was sent to jail for ten years. |