首席的英文: Relations with the regulatory agencies are coordinated by the Chief Financial Officer. The prima donna captivated the audience The prima donna captivated the audience. They constituted him chief adviser. The principal performer in an orchestral section or a group. He also very frequently filled the post of head godfather in baptisms of the subtly-jovial kind Concertmaster:The first violinist and assistant conductor in a symphony orchestra. Mr Dawe was the ancient, formally trained head gardener. A member of the panel of adjudicators may resign by giving notice in writing to the Chief Justice. The chief procurator is submitting to court that their refusal to serve is illegal n. 首领;酋长;族长 adj. 为首的;主要的,首要的 He is nominated as police chief. He is the chief support of the cause. That money was their chief motivation. n. 代表,典型;众议员;继任者 adj. 代议制的;典型的 represent a play The litigation acts of the representative are binding on the litigants he represents. This case is representative of the attitudes of the. n. 通讯员,记者;通信者 He is a good correspondent. The interior of the house corresponded with the exterior. Our pace is corresponding to the opportunities. |