故土的英文: They are truly conversant with the international rules of the game and are familiar with their homeland as well He came back to his native land. He returned to his native land of homesickness He has been away from his native Poland for three years. The family decided to uproot themselves and emigrate to Australia. The thought that one day he might return to his native country has never deserted him. n. 当地人;本国人;当地居民 adj. 自然的;本国的;与生俱来的 They had many talks with the native. The natives were kind and gentle. We have our native flowers. This shop sells native produce. She was native to China. n. 陆地;土地;国土,国家;地产 v. 降落,着陆;卸货 There is a fat land. Classes of Land for Taxation: urban land, agricultural land, forest land, and other land. The reclamation of waste land is influenced by land salinization. The earthquake thrilled the land. The land was desolated by floods. |