高效率的英文: Intensive mechanized agriculture is typically regarded as being efficient. She is acquainted with all the twists that make for efficient cooking. This kind of video-camera has the advantage of power, luxury and efficiency. To work or perform efficiently and rapidly. He had trouble organizing himself as he aged. The high efficiency reflected favorably on your ability as a leader. Several Linux productivity applications are also free or inexpensive, potentially saving even more money. I am self-motivated and can work independently to get the job done efficiently in the least possible time. A plant manager often is given a production schedule to meet as efficiently as possible. Liquidations and closedowns are the healthy catharsis of an efficient market adj. 高的;海拔很高的;上层的;高尚的;十分赞同的;全盛的;有醉意的 n. 高水平,高气压,快感 adv. 在高处,音调高,(成本、价值)高 If you don't aim high you will never hit high High level management position with high technology corporation. Mold manufacture has high risk and high affixation. This ore assays high in gold. The design is of very high standard. n. 效率,功效;提高功效的方法 The service productivity is the function, including external efficiency, intestine efficiency and capacity efficiency. The efficiency of the tandem system is perfect. To destroy or hinder the efficiency of; frustrate. He is an efficient manager. Their labor efficiency is very high. |