算帐的英文: Ask the waiter to compute the bill. "Don't interrupt John, he's grappling with the accounts." Well have to reckon with them for the damage theyve purposely done to the machine The reckoning with his wife at the end of an escapade was something he counted on As soon as I have leisure I'll flay you alive and then settle accounts with that young reprobate. We leaders can never calculate it so well as they do, their judgement is most accurate. The reckoning with his wife at the end of an escapade was something he counted on. The temptation would grow to take out our frustrations on saigon. vt. 算出来,算帐,读出 The numerical symbol0; a cipher. For conservationists, the material has numerous benefits. The beehives consist of numerous cells. v. (使)定居,安定;解决;安排;沉淀;下陷 It was settled by lot. It was settled by lotting. No question is ever settled until it is settled right n. 得分,分数;刻痕;账;宿怨;二十;大量;总谱;配乐 v. 得分;记分;获得;刻划;把…记下;牢记…的宿怨;为…编写总谱;为…配乐 settle a score, grievance, etc He scored a great goal. I recorded the score in a notebook. |