损失的英文: invisible loss Invisible loss It's an irredeemable loss. A trifling loss,inconvenience,or annoyance. Their actions have wiped off billions of dollars in their companies' market capitalisations. Depreciation, loss of market, loss of use and other consequential losses of any description. A lamentable loss of life,lack of foresight Somatic effects are those which cause damage to the individual. Why did the corporation lose a cool hundred machine tools? The cost of repairing earthquake damage could be more than seven-thousand-million dollars. n. 损耗,亏损;丢失;去世;失败;浪费;降低;减少 Depreciation, loss of market, loss of use and other consequential losses of any description. The school was lamed by losses of staff. loss and damage or delay of goods. He is a loss adjuster. profits and losses on disposal of investments |