盖革的英文: Geiger-Muller counter Note: The end-window and pancake GM detectors described are primarily considered to be beta radiation detectors. A Oeiger counter senses ionizing radiation by means of a GM (Geiger Mueller) tube. Some tubes have a thin mica window. End-Window GM detector probea. Used for detection of medium to high energy beta radiation (responds best for 32p). n. 盖氏 The Geiger counter showed the existence of radioactivity. The Geiger counter registered a high concentration of radioactive particles A Oeiger counter senses ionizing radiation by means of a GM (Geiger Mueller) tube. Some tubes have a thin mica window. Typical detector probes used with portable radiation survey instruments are as follows: GM Detectors (" Geiger-Muller" ) Geiger counters can detect the four main types of ionizing radiation: alpha, beta, gamma, and x-rays. Some detect only gamma and x-rays. |