复制的英文: Duplicate transparency: A duplicate of an existing photograph, in transparency form. To copy exactly;reproduce. To reproduce a picture To reproduce or reprint(an article or excerpt. The replication system encountered an internal error. The replication operation failed because of a schema mismatch between the servers involved. Alimentary tract duplication is a rare congenital malformations. To reproduce(documents,for example)on microfilm. In vitro analysis must be complemented by studies of the virus replication cycle in plants Royce Hall was an exact replica of the basilica of Sant Ambrogio in Milan. n. 复制品;摹仿;一份;稿件 v. 抄写,复制,复印;抄袭;模仿 He was punished for copying. A set of five copies. Copy this page in your notebook. adj. 复制的,副本的;成对的,二倍的,二重的;复式的 n. 复制品,复印件,副本;复局 v. 重复,复制;使加倍 duplicate expenses The price was duplicated. It 's not in duplicate, is it? v. 复制;繁殖;重现 Reproducing by biological fission. The effect has proved hard to reproduce. This is a reproduced version of Yesterday Once More. |