附注的英文: A thesis crowded with references to other sources Each new volume is thoroughly referenced. Double dagger: A typographic symbol used as a third order reference mark. Adequate disclosure can be accomplished either in the financial statements or in the notes accompanying the statements. Asterisk: Reference mark used in the text to indicate a footnote. Also used to indicate missing letters or words. Certain of the Group’s inventories held under trust receipts bank loan arrangements (see Note 13) Post-year-end events that are not adjusting events are disclosed in the notes when material. They are not liabilities, but, if material, they are disclosed in footnotes to the financial statements. The same remarks for the ideal voltage source in nodal analysis apply to ideal current sources in loop analysis n. 便条;照会;记录;注释;纸币;音符;调子;票据 v. 注意(到);强调指出;记录 a note of protest This is the tonic note. The unstressed note or notes introductory to a phrase or composition. The greatest difference was noted in extension. To note how the diction describes. n. 注释 Some people annotate as they read. But is the annotation approach better? People annotate the history, so does the history annotate people. This type of annotation may be extremely useful for bibliographies and booklists. Annotations can be added to any widget to clarify functionality. |