负责人的英文: 参考例句: Head of the FBI She's the head of the firm's personnel department. To propose the appointment or dismissal of the company's deputy manager(s) and financial officers A census crew leader will then reassign the case to a person who speaks that language. "Animals with human characteristics are an unbeatable combination," channel manager Dan Balaam said. The animal control officer in Rock Springs had volunteered to be Snoopy's first driver. The list might include being head of a fundraising campaign, or acting a juicy role in the senior play The controller of BBC Radio Who is your leader? The titular head of a company person是什么意思: A wanton person. an outspoken person You are such a wicked person. charge是什么意思: charge the enemy mileage charges What is this charge for? responsible是什么意思: the shift of responsiBility Allocation of responsibilities a responsive smile 到沪江小D查看负责人的英文翻译>> 翻译推荐: 负责的英文怎么说>> 负载能力的英文怎么说>> 负载流量用英文怎么说>> 负载的英文怎么说>> 负月薪的英文怎么说>> |