符号的英文: Mathematical symbol Explanation of symBols Mysterious symBols Dependent symbols Musical notation MSPS(Mega Symbols Per Second) Conventional symbols semantic indicatory symbol unfamiliar symbols semblable to religious icons. Runelike symbol n. 象征;标志;符号 symbol manipulation On maps, a cross is the symbol for a church. To represent with or as if with an emblem; symbolize. n. 符号;记号;分数,成绩;污点;迹象 v. 做记号;做标记;表明方位;标志;庆祝 Marking: Every package shall be marked with “SM” in diamond and marked the package number. impress a mark on [ upon ] a surface=impress a surface with a mark To mark or mottle with spots. n. 迹象;预兆;记号,符号;手势;信号,暗号 v. 签名,签署;示意;打手势;用信号表示 This is a superscript sign. This is a hopeful sign. Scorpio is an Autumn Zodiac Sign( as are the Signs of Libra and Sagittarius)。 |