题目的英文: (upon)dilate on upon ] Housing improvement was the speaker's text. The subject kept coming up in conversation. This is an argumentative advanced English essay topic. The discussion in this section is not intended to be an all-inclusive review of the subject This subject falls under the category of organizational capability or organizational maturity. He preached on a text from St. John's gospel. Education officials scratched a bizarre item about a race between a pineapple and a hare from the exam. And, by the by, with the exception of the fine extravaganza on the subject in Twelfth Night… An amBiguous title n. 主题;话题;学科;主语;国民 adj. 易遭受…的;服从的;受制于…的;统治下的 v. 使…隶属;使屈从于;提供 optional subjects It is a mythical subject. a survey of the situation, subject n. 1.[C](书籍,诗歌、图画、乐曲等的)名称,标题,题目 2.[C](书刊的)一种,一本 3.[C](人名前表示地位、职业、婚否等的)称号,头衔,职称,称谓 4.[C]职位名称,职称 5.[C](竞赛、体育比赛的)冠军 6.[U,C]【法律】(尤指土地或财产的)所有权,所有权凭证,房地契 v.[T] (给书籍、乐曲等)加标题,定题目 The page title identifies the page in the window title and in bookmarks. Do they have any title to this land? [Informal] a title; a handle n. 论题;话题;主题;题目 This is a favorite topic. That is a favorite topic. Expand on a favorite topic. |