天大的英文: A disaster of cosmic proportions I wouldn't marry him for all the tea in China. A broad daylight It's been a great pleasure to talk to you. In no circumstances,however favourable Most shops have remained closed for the past three days. This part of Europe was overgrown by giant pine trees Upon my word, fanny, you are in high luck to meet with such attention and indulgence! There would be no compulsion for them to keep moving He was lying in his throat when he told you that. adj. 大的,宽大的;多的,多量的,多数的;广博的;广泛的 adv. 大,大大地;夸大地 The shop was mobbed by a large crowd. This picture attracts a large audience. The concert drew a large audience. n. 天堂;上帝;天;极乐 It was the will of Heaven. the seventh heaven The plan was to have an audience of the son of Heaven. adv. 极端地,非常地,很 in an extremity relative extreme It is extremely corrosive. |