甜美的英文: Ken is a sweet piece of man candy, Debbie has to be told that looks are not everything. sugary hard rock melodies [ and ] ear candy hooks(Boston Globe) A variety of melon(Cucumis melo var.reticulatus)having a tan rind with netlike ridges and a sweet,fragrant orange flesh. Forbidden fruit is sweet. He honied my life when he was alive. The mellowness of the cuckoo report the come of spring. The sour gives a great contrast to the earthy, sweet flavor of the apple. It means a kind of sweetness that grows sweeter through the years. The sweet music and dim lights induced in the couple a feeling of euphoria. He rises with the lark, passes the day in wholesome toil, and lies down at night to pleasant dreams. n. 美味,芳香,美妙 The milk is sweet. Sucrose is sweet than glucose but not as sweet as fructose. These lyrics are not of a sweet , sentimental kind. Sweet potato was the staple of their diet. the English [sweet] violet |