常量的英文: Excess sugar in the urine,often associated with diabetes mellitus. In music theory, macroanalysis is a method of transcribing. Formal expression containing variables; becomes a sentence when variables are replaced by constants. But to simplify that analysis we shall regard the acceleration as constant, our estimate will not be affected Use uppercase letters for each word and separate each pair of words with an underscore when naming constants. Similar comments apply to torsion if the torsional moment and twist per unit length are constant throughout a member 常量,常数 constants是什么意思: adj. 固定的;不停的,接连不断的 n. 常数;不变的事物 Matter is in constant motion and constant change. A constant guest is never welcome The market is in a constant state of flux. The market is a stream that is in constant motion. The speed of light is an invariant constant. |