同舟共济的英文: [Literal Meaning] same/boat/together/cross to cross a river in the same boat
[解释] 比喻团结互助,齐心协力,战胜困难。也比喻利害相同。
[Explanation] to work together to overcome difficulties; to be mutually interested
[例子] 越是在困难的时候越需要我们同舟共济,一起度过难关。
[Example] It is the difficult time that we need to be in the same boat and overcome the barriers.
[英文等价词] to be in the same boat to be in the same box 参考例句:
In the same Boat 同舟共济 Come together rain or shine;be together through thick and thin;help each other in distress;be in the same boat 同舟共济 When we come up against difficulties, we should cross a river in the same boat. 遇到困难,我们应该同舟共济。 They will often rally in a crisis. 他们每遇患难总能同舟共济。 He waited for these strong words to sink into the hearts of his seafaring companions 他等待着,让同舟共济的旅伴们细细捉摸这几句沉甸甸的话的含义。 |