纺纱的英文: Two methods of open -end or break spinning are in use: rotor spinning and fluid or air or vortex systems. The term "open -end spinning has frequently been used as a synonym for all new methods of making yarn. The foot on the cradle,the hand on the distaff,a sign of good housewife. A modification of existing open- end techniques has been introduced that combines mechanical and air current operations. A relatively new process for making a special type of yam is called coverspun. Mother used to spin her own yarn. They are converted into textiles by processes which begin with spinning into yarn. The process uses a conventional roving as the supply source for the staple fiber core. Spinster was almost like a professional title similar to baker or tailor. She still spins the yarn and knits sweaters for her family. v. 纺,纺纱;吐丝,作茧,结网;使旋转,旋转 n. 旋转,自旋 commendation n. cinematography n. ] antiseptic n. anticipation n. attentiveness n. |