防辐射服的英文: Radiation-proof take compact gauze to form shield "of a safe" in the whole body, n. 辐射能;放射线;发光;发热;辐射 radiator cleaner The plenty of thermal radiator are selective radiator. It radiated sourness and selfishness. n. 证据,证明,证实,验算,校样, (酒的)标准酒精度 adj. 能抵御的,能防护的,防…的,抗…的 v. 做防护处理,印校样,校对 First proof: The earliest proof used for checking by proof readers. Rough proof: Proof for identification rather than reading. Clean proof: A printer's proof in which there are no errors. n. 衣服,服装;被褥,寝具 a shred of cloth The clothes made of this magic cloth would be invisible. My clothes were made of coarse cloth. |