徒然的英文: Make ineffectual attempts to do sth we love in vain narcissistic so shallow. It was a strange, weird, interesting and yet futile battle of wits. I will lose no time in vain regret. Telephones shrill uselessly in deserted offices. My endeavors to bring about a settlement were ended in vain. Twelve of them shining bright in vain, like flowers that blossom just once in years. To no end gathered: vainly then released, forth flowing, wending back: loom of the moon Didn't the attempts of the three imperialist states prove to be futile and crazy? The beauty of nature reforms itself in the mind, and not for barren contemplation, but for new creation. n. 控制;握住;保留 v. 拿住,握住;保留;保持不变,持续;约束,控制;拘留;容纳;持有;适用 nail down; nail in;hold by We hold on in spite of the storm hold a fair to raise money n. 蜡烛,烛光 v. 对着光检查 The wick of a candle. The heat dissolved the candles. The table was bare, the candles unlighted. n. 太阳;阳光;恒星 v. 晒(太阳) The sun is down. apex of the sun Sun-shrooms give small sun at first and normal sun later. |