涂抹的英文: To obliterate(writing,for example. Apply solution to the tube and allow to become tacky. Smeared suntan lotion on my face and arms. To moisten and rub (a part of the body) with a liniment or lotion. To splash or daub with blobs; splotch. The act or process of moistening and rubbing a part of the body with a liniment or lotion. No unit and individual shall revise, daub, mark or break down the documents of company registration files. A liniment or lotion. To cover or adorn with parget. To saturate, impregnate, or coat with paraffin. v. 弄脏;弄上油污 n. (尤指政治上的)抹黑,丑化 photographic smear We should smear with pitch. That's a vicious smear. A smear or blot;a smudge. to smear (the image of); to make a caricature of n. 涂鸦,胡写乱画 v. 涂鸦,胡写乱画 The doodle is the latest in the recent rehabilitation of Confucius. Tom doodled during the whole lecture. He looked across at Jackson, doodling on his notebook. This week’s comic doodle reportedly only shows in the US, for instance, unless you call up a special URL. |