推算的英文: failure predication cast a horoscope Projections of increases in numBer of households Densitometry was used to calculate peak particle diameters. Choosing such a tide, I hoped for a glimpse of the pool. The ebb was to fall early in the morning. The scaling procedure is by no means exact, but it is probably adequate in the circumstances v. 计算,推测 These are the calculating formulas. Please calculate quotient and remainder. Program a computer for pay calculations v. 总计,共达;等于,相当于 n. 金额;数量,数额 amount deposited A small amount of liquid;a drop. My savings amount to $2001. v. 推断 Her detective method is extrapolation. It is unhelpful to extrapolate general trends from one case. At the macroscopic level, an ideal gas was defined by a process of extrapolation. |