烦人的英文: (of a noise)be unpleasantly loud It is wearisome waiting on the sick, and these savage women are fickle. Do not come back here anymore from your lunch break with that stupid toothpick stick in your mouth! Of all the fretful stages of human development,adolescence is the most infamous(David Gelman) It's very annoying. Monumentally boring,stupid,successful irksome restrictions.See Synonyms at boring Snoring can be more than an annoyance. How bothersome it is to forget names! They also have the irritating habit of interrupting. adj. 讨厌的;恼人的 v. annoy的ing形式 No joy without annoy Be patient with an annoying person. Mischievous, teasing, or annoying. v. (使)烦恼,恼怒;长期争论 To be vexed or troubled; worry. You take delight in vexing me. To be irritating,wearisome,or vexing to. adj. 令人不安的,令人烦恼的 n. 浑浊度 v. trouble的现在分词形式;(使)费神 Never trouble trouble till trouble trouble you. you are a trouble maker! This is the trouble with a boyfriend. |