发现的英文: found cocktail parties distasteful. Not readily noticeable. Spied the ship on the horizon. somehow contrived to get past the guards unnoticed. found the riddle not possible to rede He was dumfounded at the discovery. Found public sentiment running against him. Here are the finds I just discovered. She went bananas when she found him cheating. I spotted the amber glow of light outside the local fire station. v. 发现,认识到;找到,获得;遇见;找出;觉得;感受到;判决,判定 n. 发现;发现物;被发现的人 This is a monumental find. He finds pleasure in reading. The judge find for the defendant Did you find it or not, asshole? The judge find for the defendant. v. 发现,发觉;碰见 This is a lucrative business, Symantec has discovered. The explorers discovered a natural deposit. They discovered suspicious footprints in the snow. No one discovers a rarity by chance. He discovered an unusual meteorite. |