玩意儿的英文: Seven months later, to everybody's surprise-- including Sun's-- Java is the hottest thing in cyberspace What a giggle! The gadget is simply marvelous! Fuck the bloody thing it won't work. there's a plaything for my children." Is this squiggle supposed to be a signature? An array or abundance of gimmicks. The new style buttons are just a gimmick. Computers have become household toys. She has only an everyday story to tell. n. 东西;事物;衣物;财物;形势,情况;事业;家伙;事情 These things will happen. These are things that were proposed as reasonable things to do. Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing. adj. 用过的,旧的;习惯于…的 It is used as a reflexive. That was a balk to us. They help us to be maximal encouraging to us. n. 说话,演说,民族语言,台词,发声,引语,传闻 To hesitate in speech. the tenor of a speech diffusion of speech |