危急的英文: brassard: "The Canadian political situation is very critical.. Scornful[Hungry] dogs will eat dirty puddings. The state of that country is desperate. Great crises often call forth gifted leaders. Pressing or urgent need, especially that arising from poverty. The patient's condition is very critical and he is in a comatose state. The very desperateness of their position forced the Communists to form a democratic army. The patient is at the critical stage. The food won' t stay down. Their own promptitude in retreating at the critical moment saved them Our homeland, the lives of our wives and children are at stake. adj. 紧要的,关键性的;批评的,评论性的;爱挑剔的;必不可少的;临界的 a critical juncture; a critical moment Their criticism was not negative. Criticism of Germany, by comparison, is muted. You are free to criticize my work. Please criticize my painting. adj. 不顾一切的,铤而走险的;绝望的;极度渴望的 Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies. Desperate diseases need desperate remedies. ——Hippocrates The state of that country is desperate. They're desperate to escape. |