危如累卵的英文: [Literal Meaning] precarious/like/pile/eggs as precarious as a pile of eggs
[解释] 形势非常危险。
[Explanation] in a precarious situation
[例子] 当地政府在失去了军队的支持以后,局势已经危如累卵。
[Example] After the local government lost the support from the army, the situation there was very precarious.
[英文等价词] behind eight balls hang by a hair hang by a thread on a razor's edge on the ragged edge sit on a barrel of gunpowder upon the die 参考例句:
Disagreements threatened to wreck the peace talks,but the president's intervention saved the situation. 讲和谈判因意见分歧危如累卵,而会长从中斡旋方转危为安. |