▼谈论爱情 这个世界上有真正的爱情吗? Is there true love in this world? A: Is there true love in this world? 这个世界上有真正的爱情吗? B: Absolutely yes. 绝对有。 当人们说他们爱某人时,他们是什么意思呢? What do people mean when they say they love someone? A: What do people mean when they say they love someone? 当人们说他们爱某人时,他们是什么意思呢? B: Each of us has our own understanding of what love is. 我们每个人都对爱有着不同的理解。 爱情使我快乐,也让我悲伤。 Love makes me happy and depressed. A: Love makes me happy and depressed. 爱情使我快乐,也让我悲伤。 B: Love is a mysterious and a complicated force. 爱是一种神秘而又复杂的力量。 你相信爱情吗? Do you believe in love? A: Do you believe in love? 你相信爱情吗? B: Love is mysterious, but I do believe in it. 爱情是很神秘,但我真的相信它。 情人眼里出西施。 Love is blind. =Beauty is the eye of the beholder. A: Tom loves Marry so much that he even doesn't mind whatever she says or does! 汤姆太爱玛丽了,甚至一点儿不在乎她的一言一行。 B: Well, love is blind. 唉,情人眼里出西施。 你曾经爱上过某个人吗? Have you ever fallen in love with somebody? A: Have you ever fallen in love with somebody? 你曾经爱上过某个人吗? B: Yes. Do you remember Ross? 爱过。你记得罗斯吗? 我喜欢那种胆大心细的人。 I like those guys who are bold but cautious. A: I hate guys who are no talk and all hands. 我讨厌男人不善言辞,只是动手动脚。 B: So do I. I like those guys who are bold but cautious. 我也是。我喜欢那种胆大心细的人。 你和杰克交往多久了? How long have you been dating Jack? A: How long have you been dating Jack? 你和杰克交往多久了? B: We've been dating for months. 我们已经交往几个月了。 班上的女孩子们都喜欢和他打情骂俏。 All the girls hit on him in the class. A: He looks so hot. All the girls hit on him in the class. 他看起来太炙手了。班上的女孩子们都喜欢和他打情骂俏。 B: But I don't like him. 但是我就不喜欢他。 你们关系很稳定吧? Are you going steady? A: Are you going steady? 你们关系很稳定吧? B: Yes, we are. 是啊。 不用担心找不到合适的伴侣。 Don't worry about finding your soul mate. A: I'm getting older and older and where is my "ideal husband"? 我一天一天地"老了",我理想中的白马王子在哪儿呢? B: Don't worry about finding your soul mate-he'll come to you naturally. 不用担心找不到合适的伴侣,他会自然出现的。 爱屋及乌。 Love me, love my dog. A: Mike loves Jane so much that he even doesn't care her bad manners. 迈克太爱简了,他一点儿也不在乎她的坏毛病。 B: Don't you know the proverb "Love me, love my dog." 难道你没有听说过"爱屋及乌"这句名言吗? 物以类聚,人以群分。 Like attracts like. A: I hear they're seeing each other? 听说他们正在交往。 B: I'm not surprised. Like attracts like. 我不觉得意外,所谓物以类聚,人以群分。 |