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2023-12-07 09:16:42 13
29. Tine To Say Good-bye.See you tomorrow.  明天见。Ok, bye-bye.  好吧,再见。Have a nice day.  祝您好。Bye.  我走了。Farewell, my angel.  再见,我的安琪儿。Till we meet again.  后会有期。Good-bye, my darling, good-bye.  亲爱的,请慢走,请珍重。May god be with you.  愿上帝保佑你。Amen.  阿门。We have to go this way.  我们必须往这条路上走。No. I'm going this way. Hope I can see you sometime again.  不,我要走这一条路。但愿有朝一日能在相见。Come back!  回来!Sorry, but I have to go. Peace!  对不起,我必须走了,祝无恙!See you again, darling.  再见,亲爱的。
