throw caution to the wind 不顾风险
表达 “throw caution to the wind” 的意思是 “把谨慎抛之脑后,不顾一切地做某事”,强调 “承担风险,不计后果”。 例句 Even though I am scared of heights, I'm throwing caution to the wind and signing up for the charity parachute jump. 虽然我恐高,但我还是不顾一切地参加了慈善跳伞活动。 Despite her nervousness, she threw caution to the wind and enrolled in an English class. 尽管她很紧张,但还是什么也不顾地报了一个英语班。 You need to throw caution to the wind and follow your dreams. What is the worst that can happen? 你需要不顾风险,追随梦想。就算再坏还能怎样? |