be up with the lark 早早起床
“云雀、百灵鸟”的英语名称是 lark 或 skylark,这类鸟常常在大清早就开始鸣叫,其歌声以美妙、清脆而闻名。英语表达 be up with the lark “和百灵鸟一起早起”用来形容人“很早就起床”。还有两个和此表达含义相近的说法是“early bird 早起或早到的人”和“morning person 习惯早起的人”。 在英语中,人们常用不同鸟类的习性来比喻人的作息习惯。比如,百灵鸟型的人早睡早起,猫头鹰型的人是“夜猫子 night owl”。 例句 Jimmy is always up with the lark to catch the earliest bus to work. 吉米总是很早就起床,赶最早的巴士去上班。 The kids were up with the lark this morning because we were going on a day trip to the sea. 孩子们今天一大早就起床了,因为我们计划好去海边一日游。 I was up with the lark this morning and took a short walk in the garden before breakfast. 今天我很早就起床了,并在早餐前去花园里走了一圈。 |