cloud nine 九霄云
three-ring circus 大型热闹的演出;五花八门的场面。马戏场的表演划地为圈,三种技艺同时进行,让人眼花缭乱。 例句: The Repulican or Democratic National Convention is like a three-ring circus, with receptions, caucuses, and press conferences going on all the time. 共和党或民主党代表大会就像“三个圈子的马戏”--招待会、小组会议和记者谈话会不停地举行。 Take Five! 休息五分钟(拿五!) 台上演员在排练芭蕾或排戏时,状态不好,导演会喊一声“take five”,意为休息五分钟,调整一下状态。 例句: It's unlikely that your boss will let you take five in a lotus position. 当然,想让你的老板给你五分钟的打坐状态是不太可能的。 seventh heaven 极乐世界 例句: After I was given my first camera, I was in seventh heaven. 我得到了生平第一台相机,真是开心极了。 cloud nine 九霄云 例句: He will be on cloud nine when he gets some complimentary words. 他只要听到几句恭维话就会得意忘形。 seven up 七喜,原是指赌场好彩 例句: I'll have a 7 Up or Sprite. 我要七喜或雪碧。 |