This concert will be a good opportunity for her to stage a comeback. 这次演唱会是她再度走红的好机会。 If this singer makes a comeback, she will regain her popularity! 如果这位歌手能够东山再起,她将重新赢回人气。 Back in school we made fun of Jones because we thought he spent too much time studying instead of having fun. Now the shoe is on the other foot -- he's made lots of money and the rest of us are just barely making enough to feed our families. 以前在学校里念书的时候,我们老是笑话琼斯,认为他这个人老是念书,不会玩。可是,现在情况就完全不同了。他赚了不少钱,而我们这些人的收入只够维持家计而已。 After my leg heals, it will be nice to be back in the saddle again. 我的腿伤好了以后就要卷土重来。 That fellow bobs up like a cork. 那个人卷土重来。 The darkest hour is the nearest dawn. I bet you'll soon turn the table. 黑暗的时刻就是光明的来临,我肯定局面会扭转过来的。 |