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2023-12-07 09:06:44 7
Directions: There are four passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.


Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

Auctions(拍卖) are public sales of goods,conducted by an officially approved auctioneer.He asked the crowd to gather in the auction room to bid for various items on sale.He encourages buyers to bid higher figures and finally names the highest bidder as the buyer of the goods.This is called “knocking down” the goods,for the bidding ends when the auctioneer bangs a small hammer on a raised platform.?

The ancient Romans probably invented sales by auction and the English word comes from the Latin “autic”,meaning “increase”.The Romans usually sold in this way the spoils taken in war;these sales were called “sub hasta”,meaning “under the spear”,a spear being stuck in the ground as a signal for a crowd to gather.In England in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries goods were often sold “by the candle”;a short candle was lit by the auctioneer and bids could be made while it was burning.

Practically all goods can be sold by auction.Among these are coffee,skins,wool,tea,cocoa,furs,fruit,vegetables and wines.Auction sales are also usual for land and property,antique furniture,pictures,rare books,old china and works of art.The auction rooms at Chrities and Sothebys in London and New York are world?famous.?

An auction is usually advertised beforehand with full particulars of the articles to be sold and where and when they can be viewed by the buyers.If the advertisement cannot give full details,catalogues are printed,and each group of goods to be sold together,called a “lot”,is usually given a number.The auctioneer need not begin with lot one and continue the numerical order;he may wait until he notices the fact that certain buyers are in the room and then produce the lots they are likely to be interested in.The auctioneers services are paid for in the form of a percentage of the price the goods are sold for.The auctioneer therefore has a direct interest in pushing up the bidding.?

1.Auctioned goods are sold____.?

A.for the highest price offered?

B.at fixed prices?

C.at prices lower than their true value?

D.at prices offered by the auctioneer?

2.The end of bidding is called “knocking down” because____.?

A.the auctioneer knocks on the table?

B.The auctionees names the highest bidder as the buyer of the goods?

C.the goods are knocked down onto the table?

D.the auctioneer bangs the table with a hammer?

3.In the sentence“The Romans usually sold in this way the spoils taken in war,”the word “spoils” most probably means____.?

A.useless goods B.spears?

C.various kinds of food D.property taken from the enemy?

4.In England a candle used to burn at auction sales____.?

A.because the auction sales took place at night?

B.as a signal for the crowd to gather?

C.to keep the auction room warm?

D.to limit the time when offers of prices could be made?

5.An auction catalogue gives buyers____.?

A.the current market values of the goods?

B.details of the goods to be sold?

C.the order in which goods are to be sold?

D.free admission to the auction sale??


Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:?

There are some 65 species of New World monkeys.Many of these have a very useful anatomical adaptation lacking in their old world counterparts:that curious“fifth hand”,the prehensile tail.And in a few species the gripping tail has developed to such an extent that it actually has “fingerprints” on the tip.While of course a tail is not equipped with fingers,it can sometimes be even more useful than an arm or a leg.A spider monkeys tail,for instance,is longer than its head and body combined,and is frequently used instead of a hand to grasp distant objects.Other monkeys less fortunate are forced to relegate at least one limb to support while they feed,whereas monkeys endowed with prehensility can hang by their tails while they feast with both hands and feet.A few New World monkeys have also evolved arms and shoulders that are suitable for swinging hand over hand through the trees like the Asiatic gibbons.?

6.The passage mainly discuss____.?

A.certain evolutionary adventages of New World monkeys?

B.feeding habits of the spider monkey?

C.the development of arms and shoulders in New World monkeys?

D.some anotomical adaptations of Asiatic gibbons?

7.The author probably believes that a monkey uses its prehensile tail especially for____.?

A.running over a grassy plain B.supporting itself while eating?

C.swimming across a river D.defending itself against enemies?

8.In the second sentence,the word “their” refers to____.?

A.New World monkeys B.Old World monkeys?

C.spider monkeys D.Asiatic gibbons?

9.It can be inferred from the passage that the Asiatic gibbons and certain New World monkeys are similar in what respect??

A.The length of their tails. ?

B.Their mating habits.?

C.The ability to grip with their feet.?

D.Their upper body structure.?

10.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the information in the passage??

A.Some monkeys use their hands to grasp objects.?

B.A spider monkey has a very long tail.?

C.A prehensile tail has fingers.?

D.Asiatic gibbons can swing through trees.??


Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:

Baltimore was founded in 1729.For a generation it seemed no different from a dozen other settlements springing up at the head of the Chesapeake Bay;its claim to distinction consisted of a blacksmiths shop,flour mill,and tobacco warehouse.Yet Baltimore was fated for a more dynamic future than its slow beginnings seemed to portend.Spurred by an agricultural revolution in the Maryland and Pennsylvania countrysides as well as dramatic disruptions in the Atlantic economy,Baltimore at mid?century began to boom.By 1790 it had risen to become the new republics fourth largest city with aspirations to overtake the three still ahead:New York,Philadelphia,and Boston.?

Although the Baltimore of the Jeffersonian are looked utterly unlike the colonial village from which it had emerged,the two shared more than might be apparent at first glance.Baltimores economy had expanded tremendously,to be sure,but the same forces that sparked expansion around 1750 continued to sustain it fifty years later.Despite the establishment of new governments at the state level in 1776,national level in 1788,and municipal level in 1797,the same festering issues continued to convulse its politics.If Baltimore had become richer and bigger,its occupational structure,wealth distribution,and residential patterns would have withstood the pressures of growth and looked about the same in 1790 as in 1812.In other words,beneath the frenzied and seemingly chaotic pace of urbanization,Baltimore enjoyed a strong element of stability.For in 1812,no less than in 1729,Baltimore was a preindustrial town.

11.In what year was Baltimore established??

A.1729. B.1750. C.1776. D.1788.?

12.Which of the following was not one of the nations three largest cities in 1790??

A.Philadelphia. B.Boston. C.New York. D.Baltimore.?

13.In line 13,the word “sparked” could best be replaced by which of the following??

A.Burned up. B.Flickered. C.Led to. D.Discharged.?

14.What level of government was established in 1788??

A.Municipal. B.Country. C.State. D.National.?

15.Which of the following statements about the Baltimore of 1812 can be inferred from the passage??

A.It did not take the way the city did in 1790.?

B.It did not have many factories.?

C.It was not an enjoyable place in which to live.?

D.It could not grow any larger.??


Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage:?

When a Japanese business man allows himself a holiday,there is nothing he likes better than to fly down to the South Pacific.Tahiti is a favorite destination,with its good hotels and French food,second only,in his mind,to Japanese cooking.All that Tahiti needed to make it perfect was a decent golf course.This seemed about to be realized when a Japanese firm announced that it was to build “one of the ten most beautiful golf courses in the world”on Moorea,one of ?Tahitis? islands.?

The French government favored the scheme.The 300 jobs the Japanese said would be created would help to reduce Tahitis unemployment and marginally reduce the cost to France of keeping the tricolor fly over the islands.But some local people thought the idea would hurt Mooreas environment.Tahiti has an enviromental group which has fought many battles with the government over Frances nuclear tests in the Polynesian atoll of Mururoa.Churchmen were not keen on the golf course either.Tourism,with its display of wealth,tends to undermine christian teaching.It was in Moorea that the Bible was first translated into Tahitian.?

The decision was left to the people of Moorea.On June 16,1991 they voted against the golf course by 1,900 votes to 1,449.It was a rare rejection in the Pacific of the Japanese embrace.

16.Japanese businessmen like to spend their holidays____.?

A.in the pacific B.in Tahiti?

C.in France D.in Australia?

17.According to the passage,which food does Japanese think is the best??

A.Japanese food. B.French food.?

C.American food. D.Chinese food?

18.The building of the golf course would create the employment opportunities for____.?

A.100 people B.200 people C.300 people D.400 people?

19.The environmental group fought many battles____.?

A.over Frances nuclear tests B.the building of the golf course?

C.the tourism D.Christian teaching?

20.The plan to build a golf course was____.?

A.voted against B.voted for C.implemented D.aborted










【参考译文】竞价结束叫做“knocking down”是因为……?




【参考译文】在“The Romans usually sold in this way the spoils taken in war”一句中,“spoil”一词最可能意为……?


【详细解答】这道题要求考生进行分析。“taken in war”的东西而且能出卖的,当然不会是A.useless goods;也不会单单只是“spears”或“food”,而该是D“战利品”。?




【详细解答】这道题要求考生注意第二段的最后一句话“... and bid could be made while it was burning.”这句话就是答案所在。?




【详细解答】这道题要求考生掌握“particulars”词意指“详细情况”。而且考生也可以从第四段第二句“If the advertisement cannot give full details,...”一句中得出正确。??















【详细解答】这道题要求考生注意,文中的代词所指对象。从“their old world counterparts”可推出their是指代“many of these”的,而many of these”又指的是“New World monkeys”。?




【详细解答】这道题的答案在最后一句。考生注意了“have also evolved arms and shoulders”一句,arms and shoulders也就是“upper body structure”。?




【详细解答】这道题要求考生通读全文,A、B、D三项是文中提到的,而C正与文中“While of course a tail is not equipped with fingers,...”相反,所以C是不正确的。??






























【详细解答】这道题要求考生不要被文章第一句话迷惑,而应该注意到第二句话“Tabiti is a favorite destination。”?




【详细解答】这道题要求考生注意,文中第二句“second only,in his mind,to Japanese food”,也就是说日本人认为日本食物最好,法国的仅次于日本的。?












