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词语大辨析精讲 三十三

◣词语大辨析◢-§(33) ban,forbid,prohibit都含有一定的"禁止"之意ban n.vt."禁止,禁令"(=formal prohibition),指合法地或由于社会压力而禁止,含谴责或不赞成的态度,通常搭配形式:ban ...from sth./doing sth.forbid vt."禁止,不许",普通用语,比prohibit通俗,用于较小事物,或个人、上级、官方、长辈做出的禁止命令、规定,或客观条件不允许,通常搭配形式:forbid sb. to do sth.prohibit vt."禁止,不准"(=forbid by authority),指通过法律、法令、警告等作出禁止命令的正式规定或规则,通常搭配形式:prohibit sb. from sth/doing sth. 1.He is obviously quite embarrassed about it because he ____ me to tell anyone.A.banned B.forbade C.protected D.prohibited2.His parents ____ him from playing video games.A.forbid B.prohibit C.rebel D.reject3.The international treaty ____ trade in plants and animals of endangered species.A.promotes B.facilitates C.prohibits D.paralyzed4.Swimming in this pool is ___.A.banned B.stopped C.forbid D.refused5.The rain ____us to go out.A.bans B.forbids C.prohibits D.makes6.Schools ____ their students to smoke and drink.A.ban B.inspire C.prohibit D.forbid 1.He is obviously quite embarrassed about it because he __B__ me to tell anyone.很显然他对此事很难为情,因为他禁止我告诉别人.A.banned B.forbade C.protected D.prohibited2.His parents __B__ him from playing video games.他父母禁止他打电子游戏.A.forbid B.prohibit C.rebel(造反) D.reject3.The international treaty __C__ trade in plants and animals of endangered species.国际公约禁止有关濒危动植物的贸易.A.promotes B.facilitates C.prohibits D.paralyzed(使麻痹)4.Swimming in this pool is__A__. 禁止在本池内游泳. A.banned B.stopped C.forbid D.refused5.The rain __B__us to go out.下雨阻止了我们出去.A.bans B.forbids C.prohibits D.makes6.Schools __D__ their students to smoke and drink.学校禁止学生抽烟和饮酒.A.ban B.inspire C.prohibit D.forbid
